

Crimes - Highway Robbery

Date June 06, 2016 15:30PM
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Vinod Shankar

Vinod Shankar Posted on [ Jun 06, 2016 15:30PM ]

On 2nd June 2016 - at 13:20 a Whatsapp message came through in one of the Groups (in which I am a member) of a BREAKING NEWS – “ HIGHWAY HEIST IN BIJAPUR – 30th May” The news was about how a Truck carrying Colgate Palmolive Cargo – on its way from SANAND in Gujarat to TRICHY in Tamil Nadu was pilfered by Highway robbers near Bijapur early morning of 30th May 2016. Further reported was - the Local Police had refused to file an FIR from the Truck Driver. Also reported was that the Consignor – Colgate Palmolive – had washed their hands off responsibility – stating the transportation was outsourced –“Not Their Problem”. ANGERED AND FRUSTRATED, naturally, having worked in the Trucking fraternity and having heard & experienced such cases during my tenure as Zonal Manager of a Transport Company my curiosity was aroused. My ANGER at how these Highway robbers could get away with REGULAR IMPUNITY WHILE THE POLICE AUTHORITIES TURN A BLIND EYE & REFUSE TO ACCEPT AN FIR? At the back of my mind – I knew – that these Highway Robbers were not without their backing. I have known for long that the nexus between Highway Robbers & Authorities (whether in Uniform or without) was deep rooted – why a simple FIR of a theft was near impossible. I delved into the case through my colleagues who had firsthand knowledge of this particular case, I learnt the following sequence of events of the case: Truck No TN28 L 2789 with Owner Cum Driver Kanakaraj loaded Colgate Palmolive cargo from Sanand/Gujarat for Trichy/TN on 28th May 16. On 30th May at 4:30 am while near Bijapur, (after crossing the Bijapur toll-gate) some thieves in an Eicher Canter LCV came parallel to Kanakaraj's truck in the Highway - jumped onto his truck, cut open the tarpaulin and started stealing the cargo. Another truck from opposite direction alerted Kanakaraj - who speeded to Bijapur Police Station. The criminals' accomplices following in another truck alerted the robbers - who escaped through the side roads with their loot. Kanakaraj tried to file Police FIR at Bijapur - police refused to accept even a complaint and sent him to Basavanabagevadi P.S. Basavanabagevadi police refused & sent him to Kolara P.S near Bijapur. Kolara - he faced the same police refusal. The grieved Driver (Kanakaraj) called Mr Ramachandran - a Social Worker at Bangalore who tried to contact the P.S. at Bijapur/Basavanabagevadi / Kolara. Apart from assurance of looking into the matter - no police action is forthcoming as of 5th June 2016 (7 days passed). When the Driver again went to Bijapur P.S. he was threatened by that police to arrest him if he came there again. It is believed that this Truck driver was also manhandled by the Police. As on 5th June 2016 – Kanakaraj – 7th day - who was threatened by police at Bijapur is in a Dhaba 35 kms from Bijapur awaiting help. On 5th June night - The Police Inspector of Kolara P.S. called driver Kanakaraj, threatened him mildly again and told him o sleep in the Police Station itself so that on Monday - 6th June they could ask him to take a count of the Cartons of Cargo in the truck and ascertain the total pilferage. The Nexus between Highway Robbers & the Authorities in Uniform (and their nexus with the Local politicians) is an well known story - known to the entire Transport Industry in every State of India. I ask – IS THIS THE JUSTICE THAT OUT MEN IN KHAKI UNIFORM ARE SUPPOSED TO EXTEND TO STOP HIGHWAY ROBBERY? When the men who are supposed to Uphold Law & Order themselves connive with the Criminals and the Law-Makers - we can very well imaging where our country is heading. It will take a massive effort of co-operation among the Truck/Lorry Associations, Truck Owners, Transport Companies and the Consignor/Consignees (with the co-ordination of Social Workers like a few mentioned here) to make a dent into the deep rooted Crime Syndicate growing like a cancer in our country. Will the Public ever know the facts (until the media starts paying attention to this) ? Will the Authorities who are IN THE KNOW OF THIS CRIME SYNDICATE ever be made to STOP this menace in the near future ? Billion dollar questions.......

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