February 23, 2016 15:57PM
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Sanjay Posted on [ Feb 23, 2016 15:57PM ]
Safety at workplace is an important aspect of any citizen. Although, framing necessary laws and ensuring their implementation is the Govt’s responsibility, true implementation can only be achieved if safety is seen as everyone’s responsibility and a culture of safety, underlining the fact that safety begins at individual levels, is propagated. In India, occupational & health related safety legislations exist since a time span covering more than five decades. However, the legal framework addresses Health & Safety issues in four major sectors only and logistics sector is not one of them. Logistics, which includes, handling, storage & road transportation of goods & materials (including chemicals, explosives & dangerous goods) is an important sector supporting the economic backbone of our Country. The workforces engaged in the logistics sector, especially truck drivers, are highly prone to a different kind of risk, both qualitatively & quantitatively, and are more likely to face emergencies at places where professional help may not be readily available. Lack of knowledge to handle emergencies in such situations can lead to fatal casualties – apart from loss of goods & materials. Identifying specific risks and imparting "Emergency Response Preparedness" training thus becomes an important aspect of safety management in the logistics sector. Smartpro Facilities addresses the Workplace & Occupational Safety needs of the logistics sector by conducting safety audits, workshops, weekend capsules and “Emergency Response Preparedness” training. “Think Safety…Think Smartpro” - Please feel free to contact sanjay@smartproworld.com for all your Safety Management needs.
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