

Indian Transport Industry - Fragmented & Dis-organized Sector ?

Date June 06, 2016 15:35PM
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Vinod Shankar

Vinod Shankar Posted on [ Jun 06, 2016 15:35PM ]

Indian Truck Transport Industry The Indian Commercial Truck Transporters industry (though it has not achieved a full fledged “INDUSTRY” status in India) is very huge and FRAGMENTED DISORGANIZATION. It is a known fact that Truck Owners and Operators population is so huge that it is difficult to estimate its numbers – or a census taken at any given point of time. However – it is also estimated to number many thousands of thousands, difficult to get a fix of its numbers. Anyone, who is even remotely connected to this “Disorganization” is aware of the fact of how fragmented and disorganized it is. We have Truck Owners’ Unions, Truck Operators’ Unions, Truck Drivers’ Unions, etc, etc at the Local levels, District levels, State levels, etc which is topped by a set up called “The ALL INDIA MOTOR TRANSPORT CONGRESS” In the mindset of the Indian society – the dreaded “Union” immediately brings one to think it to be a forum through which all that can be done is to STAGE A PROTEST against the Establishment (the State or Central Government). All that Unions do is to stage Dharna, Strikes, Shut Downs at the drop of a hat. These Unions never use their combined strength to ever think in a positive & productive way. On an average year of 365 days – through-out India – with its 29 States and 7 Union Territories – and many District – NOT A DAY PASSES WITHOUT A STRIKE CALL AT ANY ONE OF THE LEVELS, for some reason or the other, bringing the Economy at their level to a grinding halt for the duration of the Strike. Thus – to a common man – the term “Union” is Synonymous to Disruption of the Economy and normality of life and Productivity – be it on the Social needs or the Industrial Production front. If the Term “Union” was tweaked a bit to read as “Cooperative” and the members of the Unions were instead to become members of a Cooperative – the entire impression and understanding of the entity would change. The Mission (and Vision) of the Cooperative would change from being synonymous to Protest to Productivity. This is a thought worth pondering seriously. The Unions – instead of Protesting against some Rule of Law or Regulation or Tax would start thinking differently under the “Cooperative” to FIND SOLUTIONS INSTEAD OF CAUSING DISRUPTIONS. The Fragmented Trucking & Transport business would then come under the Umbrella of a Cooperative (maybe at the District & State Levels, headed by the National level Cooperative) to represent the members in times of any crisis – be it a new State or Central Govt Law, a National Calamity or arbitrary Government Departments’ Rule. Members of the Cooperative could (instead of Protesting) sit together and find a Solution or a Justifiable Representation to the Authorities and arrive at a amicable win-win situation. If this change from UNIONS to COOPERATIVES were to happen – • Each Trucker/Transporter/Operator could go about doing his business as usual • Meet the members of Cooperatives periodically to discuss the needs of the hour and find solutions – WITHOUT SUSPICION OF THE OTHERS’ INTENT • Represent (to the Authorities) any point of disagreement or grievances • Come out with Ideas and Schemes to help its members in a combined and constructive way • Pool their combined strength to meet challenges – either locally or at a wider geographical circle. Imaging the Change it would make to the perception of the Indian general Public – (who usually HATE the term UNION) and start respecting the Organization called the “Cooperative”. A “Cooperative” would receive a more Positive response from the Public as well as Authorities on any issue as compared to a (dreaded) “Union” would. Members of the Transport Cooperative – thus formed – would do their own business without considering the other members as Enemies or Competitors. There would be more cohesion instead of animosity among Members. Result = Cooperation. End Result = shed the image from being DISORGANIZED to being a COHESIVE & COOPERATIVE forum. The above is an idea, which may not go down well initially, but if accepted by a small group could grow larger with understanding of the concept and its benefits to ultimately snowball into a big change to finally get the Disorganization to gain Organized Industry Status. Conceptualized by: Vinod Shankar Consultant & Trainer – Transport / Courier / Freight Forwarding Bangalore Dated – 6th June 2016.

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