


Date June 21, 2016 17:02PM
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Vinod Shankar

Vinod Shankar Posted on [ Jun 21, 2016 17:02PM ]

Recently, the Indian Railways started a new Service – The Cargo Express – between New Delhi to Bangalore.

The inaugural Trip from New Delhi was a RUN-AWAY Success. The train scheduled to cover the journey in a Transit time 70 hours completed the journey in 56 hours, 40 minutes. Which means a little more than two & half a days – as compared to a Truck’s transit time of 3 – 4 days, thereby cutting down the transit time considerably. Even if it had taken its scheduled time of 70 hours – it is about 3 days flat – much better than Road Transport. 

WONDERFUL! “Music to the ears of Logisticians and Freight Movers, alike”.

If this CARGO EXPRESS were to carry FULLY LOADED TRUCKS on this Delhi – Bangalore route (and Vice Versa) – this would mean a 4 days transit either way. 
Trains carrying Trucks has been done before – and is not a new concept.
If the Indian Railways were to open up such Cargo Express from North to East also – it would be even more wonderful!

This essentially means benefits of:
•    Trucks from North to South India can reach in 4 – 5 days (Anywhere in North to Anywhere in South India.
•    Truck Driver Fatigue can be brought to near Zero
•    Truck Accidents on Highways can be eliminated completely on trunk routes
•    Cost of Transportation can be drastically reduced – reducing high prices of commodities
•    Diesel savings can be enormous – resulting in better pollution reduction
•    Savings on Diesel fuel would mean less of this fuel being imported
•    Faster movement of Raw Material and food grains from farmer to consumer
•    Lesser wastage due to delays
•    Similarly – faster movement of finished goods from factory to consumer

The gains are tremendous, the cost of this conversion of mode of transport – minimal.
One can start imagining the benefits to the Transportation Industry, the Railways, the Industries, the consumers, et al.

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