

Preparing for an Out of State Move

Date October 21, 2016 18:04PM
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Jason Posted on [ Oct 21, 2016 18:04PM ]

For some people making a move from one state to another it is due to an employment offer or for education. For others, it may be the thrilling thoughts of adventure or even finding romance in an entirely new area of the country. Whatever the reason, thousands of people choose to make a long distance move every day of the year and while a move such as this may not be the easiest thing that you have ever undertaken, it can go quite smoothly when you take the time to carefully plan everything out. You can use the following to help simplify your long-distance move: Store, Ship or Toss? At least 90 days before you plan to move, go through everything that you own and carefully determine which items you will need when you move. Try to go room by room rather than trying to sort everything in your home at one time. You need to think about what you will need because shipping personal items can be expensive, and if you ship things you won't be using, you will find yourself with unnecessary expenses. To avoid excess expense, either place items in storage before you leave, or donate things to charity. Donations are, by the way, a great way to get a few tax credits if you donate enough. Better yet, schedule a garage sale to make a little extra money for your move while getting rid of unwanted or unnecessary items at the same time. If you plan to move a car, be sure to find out about hiring an auto transport company to handle the car shipment. Choosing a Good Moving Company Today, there are virtually thousands of companies listed online claiming to offer the best moving services and it can be difficult to know who you can trust. The best way to find a reliable moving company is through detailed research. This means you need to check reviews online, get valid insurance proof and ask as many questions as possible about services when you call for a quote. To get a moving quote you can either contact companies directly, which can take several hours of weeding through hundreds of companies online, or you can contact a company that provides free moving quotes for top rated movers within minutes from the best movers in the world. A service that offers quotes can take the stress out of moving and is probably the best way to find a reliable moving company when you plan to make a long-distance move. Whether you need full service moving assistance that includes packing as well as loading and delivery or if you want to pack your own items and just need help with a truck, be sure to check around and see which companies offer the precise services that you need at a cost that you can easily afford. Pre-Inspection of the New House Before you hire a mover to pack, load and deliver your household goods and other personal property, you need to check the new house out inch by inch. Measure rooms to make sure your furniture will fit. Look for signs of pests and make sure the paint is in good condition. You will also want to check for signs of mold inside the walls, under the sinks and in the shower and around the foundation of the home in the basement as well as outside. Nothing is worse than moving into a home that seems like a great place to live and finding out that it has major issues. If you can start to get things ready at least two months ahead of the time you plan to move, it will help everything go much smoother and will give you plenty of time to sort through your home furnishings and personal items, learn more about your new home and neighborhood and prepare for the move. Be sure to take time to say goodbye to friends and family before you leave and get your internet and phone set up in the new home quickly so you can talk and video chat. This will help you acclimate to the new home quicker and avoid feeling homesick once you are away from your normal surroundings and the people you know best.

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