

Vedanta Limited wins SAP ACE 2015 Jury Special Recognition Award

India |
December 15, 2015 | 23:14 PM

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New Delhi, 10th December 2015: Vedanta Limited, India’s only diversified natural resources company has been declared the winner of the SAP ACE 2015 Jury Special Recognition Award for Large Scale and Complex Implementation. Vedanta’s project is unique, as the organization had the belief to implement a large Environment, Health, Safety Management and Sustainability solution in an extraction business environment, which helps to create a robust process in an industry which benchmarks and follows best in-class global regulatory practices. The jury panel lauded Vedanta Limited’s seamless implementation of SAP applications namely the Environment, Health and Safety Management (EHSM) and the Sustainability Performance Management (SuPM) which the company has installed across its businesses to manage the environmental, health and safety performance data. “We are honored to win the SAP ACE 2015 Jury Special Recognition Award. It is a testimony to our unwavering commitment towards consistently striving to deliver responsible growth, to establish a strong framework of value creation across our businesses and create long-term value for our stakeholders and the communities in and around our operations”, said Ms. Roma Balwani, President, Group Sustainability, CSR & Communications, receiving the award on behalf of Vedanta, along with Ms. Neha Kini, CIO, Sterlite Copper, who said, “We are delighted to receive the SAP ACE award in the ‘Large Scale & Complex Implementation category. The IT driven business transformation enablement in the areas of environment, health, safety and sustainability across all our businesses has helped the organization tremendously in synergizing the processes in line with global best practices and paved way for simplified reporting to the management and stakeholders.” Vedanta Limited has strong systems, polices, audit and compliance framework in place for all the business processes and that the company is committed to the triple bottom line of people, planet and prosperity to create a sustainable future in a zero harm environment. The recognition by SAP ACE 2015 jury highlights Vedanta Limited’s commitment to incorporate sustainability across its businesses and processes. The standardized application of EHSM and SuPM has not only led to rigor in transparency for the audit processes, it will also inspire and enhance further improvements in the sustainability, environmental, health and safety programmes of the company going ahead. The information assimilated can be conveniently configured in multiple frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) which Vedanta Limited adheres to, in its Sustainability Report.

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