

Rubber Waterstop Connection

Li Ming


No. 151, Xinhua road, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China. 053000,China,Hengshui,China,China

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Product Description

Rubber waterstop connection equipment, also named as waterstop hot melt mould, waterstop hot melt equipment, waterstop welding equipment, waterstop hot melt welding equipment, waterstop head vulcanization equipment, is a kind of hot melt mould for waterstop head. It consists of hot melt mould and control box. When using the mould, you also need jack. There are heating element connecting with control box in the mould. Interface shape of mould is the same as heated elements. There is temperature facilities in the middle of mould. Raw rubber plate is similar to vulcanized rubber material of waterstop head, and they have strong affinity. Vulcanizing agent in the raw rubber plate spreads to joints interface, arise crosslinking reaction with leftover double keys of vulcanized rubber to form co-curing system. In this way, two waterstops are linked together. You should control vulcanized temperature and time strictly in the process of press vulcanization. Specification Material: mould steel and section. Machining craft: stamping forming, welding, spray painting. Width: 250 mm, 280 mm, 300 mm, 350 mm, 400 mm and other specifications, also can be customized. Species: buried rubber waterstop hot melt mould, back stick rubber waterstop hot melt mould, steel edge rubber waterstop hot melt mould. Using instructions Switching on power to preheat the hot melt mould before 30 minutes, preheat temperature should reach to 130°C - 150°C. Cutting the waterstop head neatly, polishing the waterstop head using grinding machine, width is more than 5 cm. Cutting raw rubber bar linking strip in the width of 10 cm and 1 cm. Switching off power and preheat welding equipment, pave the waterstop head on backplane of welding equipment. Putting 1 cm raw rubber bar linking strip to the middle of seam, then putting 10 cm raw rubber bar linking strip to polishing face of waterstop, and ensuring that the width of seam sides is same. Close up the hot melt mould, adjust the jack to ensure it gore tight. After 5 minutes of switching on power, tighten the jack again, last heating for 10 minutes, switch off power and finish the welding. Cool down the hot melt mould for 20 minutes, take out the waterstop, then examine the waterstop appearance, install the waterstop when it is qualified.