


Prashant Chavan


S-11, Shree Sadguru Darshan CHSL, Fitwala Road, Elphinston West. Mumbai 400013,Mumbai,Mumbai,Maharashtra,India

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Product Description

We at Observant Logistics Pvt Ltd. proud to announce that, we`ve obtained qualification from TransCert CERTIFIED EXTERNAL AUDITOR Shipping & Domestic Refrigerator Containers Container Management System ( M ) Container HACCP ( HACCP ) Container Sanitation ( S ) Container Traceability ( T ) Employee Training (TR ) Company moves food through the supply chain, cleanliness and traceability requirements apply. Planes, trucks, shipping containers, pallets and all food holding or moving containers must be numbered, documented, sanitary, tested and traceable. TransCert Sanitary Cold Chain standards will help companies comply with newly evolving food safety logistics laws. Transportation certification (TransCert) certificates are awarded to companies meeting these food logistics standards.